Orthotics Improve Comfort and Mobility.

Orthotic interventions are effective in treating many forms of pain, such as those resulting from plantar fasciitis, flat feet, bunion deformities, shin splints (pain along the front of the leg), Achilles tendinitis (inflammation of the heel cord), knee pain hip pain low back pain among others as well as optimizing general foot alignment and function. Each pair is carefully designed to fit perfectly to your foot structure to ensure that it performs best and provides comfort.

  • Taking a complete assessment of the issue at hand, casting or scanning the leg, and finally making an orthotic device is what brings about custom orthotics.
  • They are intended to support the body while correcting biomechanical imbalances and enhancing general alignment and function.
  • Therefore, custom orthotics help alleviate foot pains like plantar fasciitis, flat feet, high arches, bunions, shin splints, Achilles tendonitis, knee pain, hip pain, and lower back pain.
  • They are often used as a solution for addressing biomechanical issues while supporting and aligning the lower limbs.


Understanding Orthotics vs. Prosthetics


Orthotics and prostheses help mobility-impaired people. Orthotics and prosthetics increase quality of life for people with special needs, although they have different purposes, applications, and target locations.

Prosthetics: Replacing Limbs

  • Prosthetics replace missing body parts.
  •  Prosthetics replace missing or non-functional limbs. Individual demands, level of amputation, and functional goals determine the prosthetic device.
  • A prosthetic device helps amputees move. Prosthetics are categorised by amputation level and body part. Common prosthetics:
Custom Orthotics

Upper and Lower Extremity Orthotics

Lower extremity orthotics support the feet, ankles, knees, and hips. These orthotic devices can treat:

  • Foot Orthotics: Shoe inserts or orthotic insoles support, align, and cushion the feet. They aid flat feet, plantar fasciitis, foot abnormalities, and post-surgery stability.
  • Ankle Orthotics: AFOs support and control ankle motion. They can treat ankle sprains, foot drop, and ankle instability.
  • Knee Orthotics: Knee braces provide stability, motion control, and pain relief. They can treat ACL tears, osteoarthritis, and patellofemoral pain syndrome.
  • Hip Orthotics: Hip abduction braces and hip immobilisers support and restrict hip movement. Hip dysplasia, dislocation, and surgery can require them.

Upper extremity orthotics support the upper limbs, while lower extremity orthotics support the lower limbs. The orthotic prescription depends on the patient's condition, functional needs, and joint or limb needing support.

Custom Orthotics

Frequently Asked Questions

How long can I wear my custom orthotics?

The lifespan of custom orthotics varies depending on the materials used, frequency of use, body weight, and individual wear patterns. On average, custom orthotics last between one and five years. However, regular check-ups with a healthcare practitioner are recommended to examine the condition and efficiency of the orthotics over time.


 How do custom orthotics get made?

Custom orthotics are made through a procedure that includes a thorough assessment, foot casting or scanning, and orthotic device production. A physical examination, gait study, and discussion of symptoms and goals may all be part of the evaluation. The feet can be cast or scanned to capture the exact shape and contours that will be used to make the orthotics.


What conditions are bespoke orthotics useful for?

Custom orthotics can help with foot discomfort, plantar fasciitis, flat feet, high arches, bunions, shin splints, Achilles tendonitis, knee pain, hip pain, and lower back pain. They are frequently used to correct biomechanical difficulties while also providing support and alignment for the feet and lower limbs.

What distinguishes custom orthotics from over-the-counter shoe inserts?

Custom orthotics are made individually for a person's unique foot shape and biomechanical needs. They are prepared after a complete assessment, which includes a thorough examination of the feet, ankles, and lower limbs. Conversely, over-the-counter shoe inserts are general and not designed to meet an individual's specific requirements.


What exactly are custom orthotics?

Custom orthotics are custom-made shoe inserts that address specific foot, ankle, lower limb, and upper limb ailments. They are intended to support the body, correct biomechanical imbalances, and improve general alignment and function.


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