Furry Therapists – How Pets Can Improve Your Physical and Mental Health Furry Therapists – How Pets Can Improve Your Physical and Mental Health

Furry Therapists – How Pets Can Improve Your Physical and Mental Health

There is no doubt in saying that pets can make you feel happy and calm. And, your favorite pet can keep you physically and mentally healthy. If you are a pet owner or someone who is planning to get one home, you will be surprised to know that there are many ways a pet can bring positive changes to your health and well-being.


In this blog post, we will have a look at the different ways pets can improve your physical as well as mental well-being.


Can boost your mood

If you are not in a good mood, you can spend just a few minutes with your pet dog or cat and you will start feeling a lot calmer. Even watching a fish swim can relieve stress and calm you down instantly. When we look at a pet we like, our body undergoes a few physical changes and this affects our mood directly. Spending time with pets lowers the stress hormone cortisol and increases serotonin, which is a hormone that makes you happy.


Reduces blood pressure

Studies have shown that pet parents can manage their blood pressure better. Though you certainly need to take the needed medication and watch your weight or get those exercises done, a study has shown that pet owners manage their blood pressure levels much better. Also, teens or kids having blood pressure issues can feel calmer and better when they spend time with pets.


Help lower cholesterol levels

Many people keep their cholesterol levels in check by watching what they eat and working out as and when needed. But do you know that you can manage your cholesterol better if you bring home a pet? Well, you heard it right. People who enjoy their time with pets have proper triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Though the reason for the same is not yet clear, a few studies show that an active lifestyle might be one of the reasons.


Help with your heart health

People who have dogs or cats as their pet companions may be a tad luckier when it comes to heart health. A few studies were conducted on people who have dogs and cats and it shows that they have better heart health and good recovery after heart-related issues like heart attack. Experts suggest that this can be because pet owners have an active lifestyle and have low stress levels compared to those who do not own a pet.


Help you heal from depression

When you love your pet, it loves you back unconditionally. Pets keep you active and calm and can also help reduce depression. If you feel lonely and have no one to talk to, you can talk to your pet, and many use this as a therapy as well. Also, when you have a furry friend like a dog or a cat, you spend time taking care of it, and this keeps you occupied. When you groom your pet or take it out walking, you tend to forget about your worries and start feeling better.


Keeps you fit

People who have a dog or a cat are more active than those who do not own a pet. It is also said that those who have a dog are more active when compared to those who own a cat as a pet. Most dog owners go out for walks with their pets, and indulge in at least two walks every day, once in the morning, and once in the evening. If you also play fetch with your pet, you will burn calories and become more fit.


Is your exercise buddy


Many of us hate to work out alone. However, if you have a pet, you can work out with it, and such a routine benefits both you and your pet. You can even involve your pet in some games like fetch, or running and have fun while working out. You can use a flashlight to shine on the wall when you are doing your aerobics. Do you know that there are yoga classes where people can take their pet dogs along? It is called “doga” and is gaining a lot of popularity these days.


Connect with others

Your mind stays healthy when you have a friendly talk with other pet parents. When you take your pet out for a walk, you can connect and talk to other pet owners and make some good friends too. You can even visit a park with your pet and you can socialize with the pet owners when your pets play with each other.


Strong immunity

Though it might sound contrary to what we hear, it is said that kids who grow up in a house with a pet are less likely to have allergies. The same applies to those kids who live on farms or visit one frequently. A few studies also showed that children who spend time with pets often have a stronger immune system as they grow.


Helps kids with ADHD

Kids having ADHD can benefit a lot from having a pet dog or a cat. Having a pet involves a lot of chores and this includes being responsible for the pet and taking care of it. Kids can stay active when they play with the pet and this helps them fall asleep faster during the night. Also, kids who suffer from low self-esteem start to feel better when they receive unconditional love from their pets.


Helps with sensory disorder

Kids who suffer from sensory issues due to autism also benefit from the company of a pet. Dogs are often used in sensory integration activities, especially with kids who love pets. Kids also find it calming when they work with pets and it helps gain their attention as well. Having a pet can make the kid with sensory issues feel comfortable and get used to when the fur rubs against their skin or to the sounds and smell of a dog.


Keep your bones stronger

When you take your pet out for a walk, you are getting good exercise and this helps strengthen your bones. Also, when you step out for walks during the day, you are getting the needed vitamin D which again is great for your overall health.


For a better life quality

Therapy dogs are used by therapists to treat patients who are suffering from illnesses or strokes. A few breeds can be trained to respond to commands and such pets are helpful to older adults and those suffering from language disorders. Also, patients feel good when they see a pet understanding their command. Petting a dog, scratching it, or just holding it calms the patients and can also help a few of them rebuild their arm and finger strength.


Reduces anxiety

Several studies are being conducted in nursing homes to check if trained pets like dogs have a positive impact on patients. It is being seen that people feel more calm and less anxious when they spend quality time with animals, allowing them to recover better.


A companion during the aging process

Older adults often feel lonely and depressed and pets can help combat the feeling. They provide emotional support and keep the owners active. Pets like dogs and cats can also aid in the treatment of various health conditions like dementia and Alzheimer's.


Bring a pet home today

Pets are just like our family members and they too strive for love, care, and the attention of their owner the most. When you bring home a pet, the relationship isn’t just one-sided. As a pet parent you receive a lot in return as pets love you unconditionally and improve your overall health.

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