Shin splints: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Medial tibial stress syndrome, or shin splints, is a frequent ailment that causes tibia pain. Athletes, runners, and high-impact athletes typically get it. Shin splint causes, symptoms, and treatments:

Causes of shin splints:

  • Overuse: Running or jumping causes shinbone stress.
  • Wearing shoes without padding or support.
  • Flat feet, high arches, or aberrant walking/running patterns.


  • Dull, agonising discomfort along the inside shinbone. Local swelling, discomfort, or slight redness. Pain upon touch.

Shin splints can be diagnosed by a healthcare practitioner based on a medical history, physical examination, and occasionally imaging tests such as X-rays or bone scans to rule out other potential causes of pain.

Treatment and Management:

  • Rest: Let the shinbone recover. Avoid pain-inducing activities.
  • Ice reduces inflammation and pain.
  • Over-the-counter painkillers may temporarily ease pain and inflammation.
  • Physical therapy helps correct muscular imbalances and improve biomechanics.

Most people can heal from shin splints with treatment. Rest, proper footwear, steady progression, and physiotherapist-guided exercises can help rehabilitate and prevent shin splints.


Shin Splint Physiotherapy: Pain Relief and Recovery

Physiotherapy is essential for treating shin splints, which cause tibia pain. Physiotherapists relieve pain, strengthen muscles, and avoid recurrences using specific exercises, stretching, and education. Physiotherapy for shin splints:

Complete Evaluation: A qualified physiotherapist assesses biomechanical abnormalities, muscle imbalances, and contributory factors to determine the aetiology of shin splints.

Customised Treatment: The physiotherapist customises a treatment plan based on assessment results.

Pain Management: Physiotherapists address pain and inflammation using several methods:

Pain Relief and Inflammation Management: Ice reduces inflammation and pain.

Soft Tissue Techniques: Massage and myofascial release relax tight muscles.

Stretching and Flexibility: Stretching reduces muscle tension and shin splints.

Strength Training: Calf muscles strengthen the shin and disperse forces.

Biomechanical Correction: Physiotherapists fix biomechanical and gait abnormalities that cause shin splints.

Functional Training: Running and jumping exercises help people return to their habits.


Shin splints are best treated with physiotherapy. Physiotherapists ease pain, develop muscles, and prevent shin splints by addressing biomechanical abnormalities, relieving pain, and directing patients via focused exercises. A professional physiotherapist can help you manage shin splints and resume your active lifestyle.


PhysiofyMe: Your Home-Based Shin Splint Physiotherapy near you

PhysiofyMe offers "physiotherapy near me" for shin splints. In-home shin splint treatment to relieve pain, strengthen muscles and avoid recurrence is our speciality.

Convenience and Personalization: PhysiofyMe knows shin splints hurt. Our skilled physiotherapists provide top-notch care in the comfort of your home.

Assessment and Treatment: Our expert physiotherapists assess your shin splints and requires to determine the cause.

Effective Shin Splint Treatment: PhysiofyMe's wellness professionals use evidence-based methods:

Inflammation and Pain Relief: Ice therapy and soft tissue manipulation minimise inflammation.

Stretches and Flexibility: Gentle stretches loosen muscles and reduce shin splints.

Strengthening workouts: Customised calf, foot, and ankle workouts increase support and stability.

Functional Training: Exercises mirror daily habits to prepare you for a gradual comeback.

Starting Out:

Call or email PhysiofyMe.

Schedule an Assessment: Our expert physiotherapists will schedule a convenient assessment.

Customised Treatment strategy: After the examination, we'll construct a shin splint physiotherapy strategy to relieve pain and prevent recurrence.

PhysiofyMe Advantages:

  • Our home care eliminates travel and waiting rooms.
  • Expertise Our shin splint physiotherapists provide top-notch care. We customise treatments for a successful and comfortable recovery.

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